Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Every week, editors Mickey O'Connor and Adam Bryant answer your burning questions.

Every week, editors Mickey O'Connor and Adam Bryant answer your burning questions. Want some TV scoop? Please send all questions to

Are Callie and Arizona going to make it on Grey's Anatomy this season? They don't seem as intimate as Callie was with Dr. Hahn. — Rachel
ADAM: Just because we haven't seen Callzona's sexy time on-screen, there's no reason to believe the ladies have intimacy issues. "I'm sure they've done that. I mean, come on!" Sara Ramirez tells us. Ramirez does, however, see potential speed bumps ahead. "They will deal with some very universal relationship-type issues," she says. "I'm kind of nervous for Callie — she's never been this happy for so long. Something's going to happen."

Andre Braugher was fantastic on the House season premiere. Any chance he'll return if House needs more counseling? — DeeBee
MICKEY: He won't be, since he's landed on a new show, Men of a Certain Age, with Ray Romano and Scott Bakula, which debuts on TNT in December. That said, House executive Katie Jacobs speaks very highly of Braugher and told us she'd love to figure out a way to bring Dr. Nolan back into the fold.

Oct.13's Heroes may have been overshadowed by Claire's random lesbian kiss, but for me the best parts were the ones with Emma and Peter. Please tell me we're going to see a lot more of Emma's beautiful power. — Samantha D.
ADAM: I got an emphatic yes from creator Tim Kring, who promises that the crack Emma made in her wall is the just the beginning of what she's capable of with all those magical colors. Kring also says a certain carnival leader will take an interest in Emma's power once he sees its value to his still-unclear plan.

Any scoop on Desperate Housewives? — Jennifer
MICKEY: It's hard being a kid, especially one who grows up on Wisteria Lane. This might explain the shocking news that one of our Desperate Offspring is soon to be admitted to the hospital to have his or her stomach pumped. Was it an accident or a suicide attempt? I know you think you know who it is, but you don't.

In dealing with Angel's death, Flack has been a different character this season. How will his downward spiral play out on CSI: NY? — Clarisse
ADAM: Things are going to get worse before they get better. Executive producer Pam Veasey tells me that Flack will continue to fall until he hits emotional rock bottom. It's only then that, with the help of friends and an unlikely ally, Flack will bounce back.

I have this feeling like Nate Kendall is going to pop up again on Law & Order: SVU — can you confirm or deny? — Iris
MICKEY: I can do neither, and I'll tell you why. I'm getting official denials all around, but more than one source has told me that Wentworth Miller's time on SVU isn't done, and that a surprise reappearance is in the works for later in the season. This time, all those fireworks with Benson will express themselves differently.
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